Facebook Marketing – Is it possible?
Can network marketing on Facebook really be done? What are the must-dos when it comes to Facebook marketing? Is it really possible when all in the past all Network marketing leaders said that network marketing is a belly to belly, face to face business? In fact I was one of those leaders. I never believed that anything online had any place with building a network marketing business, let alone network marketing on Facebook. I would say things like it was impossible. How wrong I was.
Network Marketing on Facebook has become one of the most predominant ways to build your business being used by both men and women alike. It doesn’t matter what sex you are, Network Marketing on Facebook has become the medium of choice as people have found ways to build their businesses through posting, commenting and sharing information.
All Network Marketing Leaders would tell you that this incredible industry is all about relationship. It’s all about making people feel amazing, scratching them where they itch, ensuring their needs are met and that you are able to speak life into them. You can do all of that on Facebook.
One of the things that has me shaking my head more than any other time is when people put up negative posts and vent. While yes, it is ok to do this every now and again (like once per lifetime), too many people, including individuals who classify themselves as leaders put up posts about: How bad they feel in their health when they sell a nutritional supplement, put pictures up of bad foods they eat when they sell a weight loss product, talk about failure and how bad they are when they are promoting a business opportunity, being drunk, rude or obnoxious. All of these for the professional network marketer are a death sentence to their businesses.

Network Marketing On Facebook requires a little bit of fines: it requires you as the professional to be the professional, to offer solutions and be a problem solver. Just like offline business development where you need to build relationship and prove to your prospective business partner and/or client that you are able to meet their need whether its health or financial, you need to find your way of doing that on Facebook.
Question for you:
How do you feel when you see someone put up a negative post? 25% of people would in some way engage with that person, whether agreeing or disagreeing. The problem is that the other 75% will look at the individual in a completely different way. But no matter whether you are part of the 25 or 75, the question you need to ask yourself is would you see that person as someone who could meet your needs now or would you see them as someone who has too many of their own issues and so the idea of engaging with them in anyway as someone who could help you has now gone.
Be courageous:
No matter where you decide to build your network marketing business, offline or online, you are still going to need to be courageous. You are going to need to have the courage to be a professional with what you post and wise. You are also going to need to be prepared to reach out to other people and start the relationship building process. Remember that
“Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to do what you need to do in the midst of it.”
Reaching out to someone who puts up a post that shows they are looking for something you could assist in, still takes courage. Sending a message to someone you haven’t spoken to or connected with in a long time, requires courage.
How to start:
No matter what you do, you need a plan. Take these few points as your way to start your activity on Facebook today. Don’t wait, just get straight into it. The longer you wait, the longer it will take for you to actually start making money and no one wants to take a long time to start seeing money going into their bank account.
• Make a plan to message a certain amount of people per day: Don’t worry about trying to sign them up, make your connection with them more on relationship. seeing how they are and rebuilding a friendship that has been lost or making a new friend.
• Have a plan for the images you will post: Images that you take for the day are good and having fun posts and emotive kind of posts. Always be positive. If you want to know what kind of posts to get, make sure you get my 17 Facebook Post Ideas for Networkers.
• How many images per day: 2 – 4 per day is good.
• Bring a value based post: Write one post per day that brings value to other people. Something that will encourage and lift them up.

Network Marketing on Facebook doesn’t have to be hard, in fact it is a lot of fun. Relax into it and you will enjoy the journey and the reward.
It’s time for you to start to win in your network marketing business and build your own brand on Facebook. You can also find other helpful articles on Facebook, social media, and network marketing on Rise Social Media.
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