How To Create A Facebook Group For Business!

Wanting to make money from Facebook but are unsure on what to do? Then it’s time to setup a Facebook Group For Business.
You’ve probably heard that Facebook groups are an effective and profitable way to grow your customer base, however most people don’t know how to setup a Facebook group for business in a way that will generate leads, grow community and over the long term, benefit their business. In today’s Rise Social Media article you will learn the correct way to build your group that will help you build your brand and make you money.
What Is A Facebook Group?
A Facebook Group is a community of like minded people all hanging out in an area on Facebook. They work best when they are specific to an interest and there is a continued flow of valuable information that is relevant to the interest within the group. For a business owner, it should be one of your most important areas on Facebook. Every person who enters should be made to feel special and feel as though
“Yes this is the place I want to be.”
People have to be invited and then they accept your invitation or they request to be added and then depending on the settings within your group. You, as the admin, will have to approve their request.
Facebook also seems to like Groups in their algorithm, more people seem to see posts within a group than outside.
Why Use A Facebook Group?
Your group becomes a place where your prospects and contacts are made to feel welcome. It’s a place where people are more open and tend get involved. Interaction increases, especially if the group brings value and there are people within the group who are driving the conversation. Conversation Starters, people who ask questions and give answers are incredibly important for your group. They help build your community.
Groups are a way to give support, offer benefits and create excitement around your product or service.
How To Setup A Facebook Group For Business:
Step 1: Click the “Create” button.

At the top of your Facebook Profile you will see the word “Create”, click that link and then choose Group.
Step 2: Name your group.

Choose a name that easily tells your audience what this group is about. Make it a compelling name and use some of the tips we give in “10 Facebook Headline Tips” to create a name that draws attention and creates interest.
Tip: Keep the name short. If it’s too long, they wont be able to read it.
Step 3: Choose your privacy setting.

Depending on the outcome you are wanting for your group will determine the setting you have. Most of the groups we have for marketing are “Private”, however we also have “Secret” groups that are more exclusive. The Private group requires approval. We don’t recommend Public groups, as they always end up “spammers heaven”
Step 4: To hide or not to hide.

Again this has to do with the outcome you are hoping for. If you are wanting to attract a market searching for what you have, then don’t hide your group. However if it is a members group that they have to have maybe a paid membership, maybe this becomes a hidden group.
Step 5: Get your cover photo right.

In our Mastery Academy for Entrepreneurs we talk a lot about images and how important they are. Your cover photo for your Facebook Business Group has to be congruent with the branding and imagery you are creating. Don’t make the mistake of just throwing up any old photo. Put some time into its creation. Get a graphic designer or try
Step 6: Edit your Facebook Business Group Settings

Your Facebook Group Settings are where you create your description, edit your privacy, location, tags etc.
Step 7: Edit your “Group Type”

Most Facebook Business Groups are going to be General or Social Learning. The Social Learning group is a great way to bring a lot of value to your community. However you will have to create content to maximise all the benefits of the Social Learning Group. Otherwise General will be fine.
Step 8: Setup A Facebook Group For Business Description
Don’t leave this blank. People want to know what your group is about. This is a good place to add about your business and company. Make it very social and inviting. Talk about how your group will help them and how your prospect/client is going to benefit from what your group has to offer.
Step 9: Tags

Tags help potential group members find you. Make your tags relevant to your group. Don’t make them too general.
Step 10: Link your page
If you are a traditional business, you will more than likely have a page. However if you are in network marketing, you may not since most people use their profile to market their brand and business. You can not link your profile to your group, however you can link your page here.
Step 11: Create your custom URL (Web Address)

OK this is one of the most important areas of your Facebook Business Group. Create your custom URL. Make sure your URL is consistent with your company name or product name if the group is connected to a specific product.
Step 12: It’s time to invite (Be careful here)

When you setup a Facebook group for business, you want to make sure you don’t make a serious mistake that could have your group shut down without warning. Only add people who you have invited. In the past, people were able to add anyone they liked. This “spamming” activity caused a lot of distrust amongst Facebook communities and groups. If your group is run correctly you will attract a lot of people naturally/organically anyway. We teach how to build a community of raving fans and this is what you want. Don’t throw away your name by making an amateur mistake of believing everyone will want to join your group.
Best Method is to send a message and request if they would like to be added. We all like a little respect.
Want To Learn How To Market & Sell Your Product Online?
Not knowing how to market and sell online is costing you leads, customers and money.
Many business owners they feel like it’s all too hard and they don’t know what or how to do it.
We get it. When we first started marketing our different products online we weren’t sure what to do either. The problem was it was hard to find training from people who weren’t just selling a course but had actual experience and their training was easy to follow.
That’s why we created our free, YES, FREE community where we go live every week, with ideas, tips and strategies on how to market and sell online.
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- Click this link.
- Follow the directions.
- Join the group.
You will learn in an easy to follow and systematic way, you will also find it’s fun and rewarding.
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It’s time to Rise 🦅
PS: YES we will ask you some questions to better understand you and your business so we can help you RISE. Join the group now. Click Here