Getting your website, social media and online marketing correct is a struggle for most business owners. You look for solutions and find it hard to get what you need and know what to do.
You want to be a more confident online marketer and start making sales through your website. However you’re stuck on what to do, your social media management isn’t working and you’re getting no leads from your website.
You’re seeing your competition grow and wondering what they’re doing different to you.
You’ve heard about the 7 Part StoryBrand Framework and wondering will it help you fix your marketing?
Most businesses fail online because they don’t realise there is a formula used by top marketers that takes the customer on a journey to purchase. This journey starts with a problem that only you the business owner can fix.
You want to understand there is a sequence of events that must happen to help the customer make a buying decision. The 7 Part StoryBrand Framework is that formula.
The mistake most make
The 7 Part StoryBrand Framework gives you clear steps that must happen on your website and the theme of your marketing to help your client make a buying decision. You understand that in business your role is to fix the problem of your client. The mistake happens when businesses try and fix the problem too soon.
Think of your customer this way, your customer is the partner in life you have been looking for and waiting for. You have been dreaming about someone like them for a very long time and now you have finally found them. They are precious to you and you don’t want to stuff it up.
This is where the mistake happens. Rather than courting your customer you go straight for the juggler. You ask for the sale, you do this before you know anything about them and of course your customer leaves and goes to your competition not because you scared them off but you removed the one thing the customer needs more than anything else…
“To be understood”.
When you give the answer before allowing the customer to give you the challenges they face and the problems they battle you miss the opportunity for relationship to grow and for them feel like you truly know them. The 7 Part StoryBrand Framework will help you get this right.
“Your job is to understand your client and then convey that you understand them on your website, your emails and your social media.”
Incorporating The 7 Part StoryBrand Framework will help you do this.
Let’s have a look at how the framework looks:
The Storybrand Framework has been used for centuries by writers/play-writes to grab audiences attention and compel them to keep reading/watching. You can always tell when someone is a good writer, they keep your attention and the main reason this happens is they follow a framework similar to what StoryBrand has laid out.
This is what you can now incorporate in the marketing of your website and business.
The 7 Part StoryBrand Framework:
- Starts with hero = customer. The hero is the customer, not the company or the product. We will introduce who the product/company is later.
In movies they’re the main character and in the good movies you are introduced to them almost immediately and the creators of the movie want you to connect with them quickly. You see their stable life and happiness or the desire for happiness. - Has a problem = The reason they’re searching. The framework helps you work out what the actual problem is your customer is facing.
In the movies you would notice that within minutes of meeting the main character there is a sense of impending doom or a problem. - Meets a guide = Someone who can help them overcome their problem. This is you, the business owner. Many businesses make the mistake of positioning themselves as the hero “how long they have been trading, how good they are etc” and they very rarely talk about the customer and the problem they face.
In the movie the guide is the person who will help the hero overcome. In StarWars it’s Yoda as an example. - Gives them a plan = How they can overcome the problem they have. In your business, you want to give the plan of overcoming. Showing a way forward eg: the product you offer.
In the movie its to destroy the empire, take down the evil empire or get the girl lol - Calls them to action = What do they have to do to have their problem taken away. You will notice on many websites that there is no clear call to action. There is no “buy now”, “shop now”, “book appointment” button. Does your website have not just one but many?
In the movies the Luke Skywalker it was to train with Yoda and then fight Darth Vader. Now your client may not need to save a galaxy but you need to make it clear what they need to do to have their problem go away. - Avoid Failure = they no longer have to worry about the trouble that will come their way if they don’t do something about the issue they have. Eg: Need a haircut possible failure is embarrassment or not get the girl or guy because hair looks bad lol.
In the movies failure generally means something catastrophic. Luke loses then the galaxy is controlled by evil, or if the boy fails the girl ends up with someone else and the boy lives the life as a hermit. - Ends In Success = Problem taken away. The persons hair looks better and they got the girl or guy, they found the right clothes and were able to go out and look amazing to the awe of their friends. What ever the success will be for your client, this needs to be stipulated in your marketing.
In the movie is Luke getting the medal, killing Darth Vader or the girl getting the boy and they live happily ever after.
It is important to note that your marketing shouldn’t be about “experience” it should be about “transformation”. How will the life of the individual or company be transformed by taking action and doing business with you.
You must take your customer or potential customer on this journey. It builds their “eager want” and helps them trust you as the person that has the answer they need.
If you’re not telling people what their life will look like and be like because of doing business with you, then they won’t do business with you.
We know it can be hard to work all this out on your own, you’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed and wondering is this the best use of your time as a business owner.
They’re great questions to ask and that’s why we are here. Business owners and companies like yours hire StoryBrand Guides like us to walk them through this process, build their websites, email campaigns and social media management to give them the results they look for.
Here’s what you do if you want to take advantage of working with us.
- Schedule a free consultation and take us through your needs.
- We will come back to you with a quote and how we can help.
- The work gets done and you start to enjoy the results of being more professional online.
Read this article to find out What Is StoryBrand
Want To Learn How To Market & Sell Your Product Online?
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James Hannan
Founder: Rise Social Media.
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