How to Create a Facebook Story

How Do You Create a Facebook Story?


It’s time to learn how to create a Facebook story. They’re fun, attractive and can help in your branding.

I think you will find them one of the most enjoyable parts of your Facebook Marketing program. In today’s article you are going to find the easiest way to create a Facebook story and attract more customers to your business.

If you are unsure about what a Facebook Story is, check out this Rise Social Media article I wrote on What Are Facebook Stories ?

“Facebook Stories are snapshots of peoples’ lives and interests that last 24 hours. They’re generally raw footage that depict a more positive or interesting components. This is one of the beliefs for why Facebook Stories have hit such a chord with users. They are generally fun, give life and show energy or interest. With many Facebook posts these days becoming emotionally charged or negative, Facebook stories are more positive (for now). Smart marketers will keep them this way.”

Why should you learn how to create a Facebook story and start using them?

With over 500 MILLION people now using Facebook stories, it gives you an idea where the people are and as a business owner you need to get your business, products and services in front of as many people as you can. But you have to do it the right way. To learn how to create mind blowing, customer attracting and profit generating Facebook Stories, then get your copy of Facebook Stories Mastery quickly.

Sure, many marketers decide to do everything the hard way; they fumble around making mistake after mistake rather than receiving professional guidance and instead of attracting customers quickly, they end up sitting on the side lines watching their competition getting professionally trained and their businesses growing. Don’t make their mistake. Get your course today.

Let’s go through how to create a Facebook Story.

I wrote this article on Remembrance Day so I decided to create a Story around it. I am so humbled to think about all those who give and have given so much for us.

How to add a story using your iPhone:

How to Create a Facebook Story 1

To add to your own story using your phone, you can do it via your phone by clicking the “add to story” button at the top of your feed.

So many options when you start to create a Facebook story:

This is when the world opens up to you with your Facebook Stories. Use different options to make your stories more interesting.

Note: Iphones and Androids sometimes show different options. What you see here may be different to what you have available on your phone:

Add a gif, location, emotion and so much more:

Have you seen Rise Social Media on YouTube

You can search to find that perfect gif: let your creative side come out.

How to add to your story using your computer/desktop:

How to Create a Facebook Story 4
If you have a business page, then you may want to read “how to do a facebook story on a business page

To add to your own story using your computer or desktop, you can do it via your timeline by clicking the “what’s on your mind” at the top of your feed, creating a post and adding it to your Facebook Story.

You don’t have as many options when you are creating via your desktop, however it is still available to you.

Facebook Stories make your profile interesting. Your audience is spending more and more time watching stories vs the normal Facebook feed.

This is why we put together our Facebook Stories Training. Training being used all over the world in all industries.

Don’t be left behind!

Want To Learn How To Market & Sell Your Product Online?

Not knowing how to market and sell online is costing you leads, customers and money.

Many business owners they feel like it’s all too hard and they don’t know what or how to do it.

We get it. When we first started marketing our different products online we weren’t sure what to do either. The problem was it was hard to find training from people who weren’t just selling a course but had actual experience and their training was easy to follow.

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It’s time to Rise 🦅

James Hannan & Naomi Joy

PS: YES we will ask you some questions to better understand you and your business so we can help you RISE. Join the group now. Click Here

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Most businesses are wasting money on marketing! We help businesses build a compelling brand story, build websites that work, and develop campaigns that deliver leads. Clients who work with us improve their marketing results and build strong brands.